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can i claim my child who was kidnapped?
AI accountant’s answer:
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. When it comes to claiming a kidnapped child as a dependent on your taxes, there are specific guidelines from the IRS. According to the IRS, if your child is a kidnapping victim and meets the other dependency tests, you can claim them as your dependent. The child must have lived with you for more than half of the part of the year before the date of the kidnapping. Furthermore, the kidnapping must be recognized by law enforcement, and you must be actively seeking the return of the child. It's crucial to consult with law enforcement and familiarize yourself with the IRS's requirements for claiming a kidnapped child as a dependent.
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Keeper’s AI Accountant

This AI accountant is powered by GPT-4, but has up-to-date knowledge of tax law. It’s been trained on federal and state tax updates for 2023. With credentialed tax professionals fact-checking its responses, it applies IRS rules to real-world situations.

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