22 Tax Write-Offs for Independent Childcare Providers

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a tax professional

Childcare is one of the most rewarding professions there is, but let’s face it: it’s also exhausting. By the end of a long day, the last thing you want to worry about is your taxes. But like spit-up, paying them is an inevitable reality.

That’s why here at Keeper, we’ve gathered the best tax write-offs for independent childcare providers, so you can lower your tax bills and your stress levels at the same time. With these write-offs, you’ll be able to watch your savings grow up before your eyes!

Toys & stuffed animals
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

You can write off any toys you buy for the children you're caring for to play with.

Arts & crafts supplies
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Craft supplies for art activites to keep children entertained can be fully deducted.

Children's books
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

All of the books you purchase to read to the kids are considered write-offs.

First aid training
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

First aid training and certification costs, like for CPR, can be deducted on your taxes.

Out-of-pocket expenses
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

Go ahead and write off any additional expenses you won't be reimbursed for.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 8

Print and online advertising costs for your business are considered write-offs.

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If you drive for work ...

Many things you use to do your job can be written off your taxes. That includes your car — if you use it for work.

For example, if you have to drive children in your care around town, or if you drive to pick up supplies, make house visits, or attend safety training, you can write off car expenses.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

Parking for a meeting downtown, or any other work trip, is tax-deductible!

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 27a

A toll while driving to or from a work destination is tax-deductible!

Car purchase & depreciation
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 13

If you buy a new car, you can write off part of the cost every year for five years.

Vehicle tool kit
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 22

Flashlights, tire iron, duct tape, and other tools you may need in your vehicle are deductible.

Car insurance & registration
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 15

Car insurance monthly fees, registration, even roadside assistance are partially deductible.

Car maintenance
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 9

Oil changes, repairs, and regular checkups are all tax-deductible if you drive for work.

If you discuss work at a restaurant ...

If you schedule a business meal with a parent or fellow caretaker to talk about your services, you can write off the cost of the food or drinks.

Business meals
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24b

If you discuss work with a coworker, mentor, client, or prospective client, it's a write-off!

If you leave town for work ...

Expenses you incur while traveling for work — such as providing child care services to a family on vacation — can be written off as a business expense.

Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

Planes, trains, and car rentals are all work-related travel costs that can be written off.

Travel lodging
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

When you travel for work, lodging expenses such as hotel rooms or Airbnb are write offs.

Meals while traveling
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 24a

When you're traveling for work, all meals are tax-deductible. Even takeout!

If you work from home ...

Plenty of childcare providers use their homes as daycare facilities. Expenses like rent or utilities are needed to do their job and can be deducted from their taxes.

This also counts when you're taking care of additional work-related responsibilities from home, like marketing and advertising, researching new childcare activities, or keeping in touch with clients.

Home office furniture
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 18

A desk, chairs, lamps, and other home office necessities are all tax write-offs.

Property repairs
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 21

You can write off up to $2,500 for individual repairs to your property.

Power bill
Write it off using:

Form 8829

Gotta keep the lights on in your home office! A portion of your electricity bill counts.

Property insurance
Write it off using:

Form 8829

Whether it's rental or homeowners insurance, you can write off a portion through your home office deduction.

Water bill
Write it off using:

Form 8829

It'd be hard to work in an office without running water, huh? You water bill counts.

Wi-Fi bill
Write it off using:

Schedule C, Box 25

Your Comcast bill is a tax write-off. You need internet to do your job!